Eltherm – Your Reliable Turnkey Electrical Heat Tracing System Solution Provider
LNG Heat Tracing
One of the major concerns for liquefied natural gas storage tanks in LNG processing is the difference between the cryogenic cold temperatures (-162°C) inside a tank and the ambient temperatures outside. The critical concern will be the occurrence of frost heave when moisture in the ground underneath the foundation of the tank or in the foundation itself freezes. When the ground freezes, the moisture expands, which can damage the integrity of the storage tank, causing rupture on the storage tank wall or explosion. To prevent this, Bellis and Eltherm are able to provide turnkey solutions in order to ensure proper foundation installation with electrical heat tracing elements are included for frost heave prevention.
Oil and Gas Heat Tracing
To transport or process petroleum products it is important to maintain at the correct temperature to keep the products in a liquid phase and prevent the formation of paraffin/wax. If these form, they can block the pipework, separation equipment or processing equipment, reducing the efficiency and performance of the operation. To prevent this, electrical heat tracing can be installed to keep the process operating at the appropriate temperature. Contact us at Bellis to discuss your specific requirements and application so our experts can recommend the right product.